'If you can dream it,you can do it.'
(Walt Disney)

Saturday 17 October 2009


It's me agian...& I've got some good news.
Teams were built and from now on Nick's, Tom's and my humble self's challenge is to entertain you and we love it!
Our task is to produce an opening scene. We've only two minutes to show you all our talent and in this short time we want to offer you a horrific scene...yes our favourite genre is horror.
In this genre we are seeing a lot of potential to be creative and to show all our knowledge about the way of making a good scene. Furthermore it's a good challenge to produce a high class scene. We don't want to have a ridiculous result in the end.
At the moment we are involved with the whole planning and research process and we have started to think about the whole story line. Full details can't yet be told but something i can tell you is, you will see all 3 of us take part in the scene.

Just wait and see!

Love Ani


  1. Dies ist nun ein Blog Anika! wie Sie sehen können habe ich Deutsch gelernt, beeindruckt? gut. Dieser Blog ist
    sieht sehr schön, Sie machen einen guten Job. die Ideen müssen auf jeden Fall zu starten kommen zusammen
    und dann haben wir 2 Minuten reiner entsetzlichen Horror. Es sollte amazing! xxx

    translated- Now this is a blog Anika! as you can see I have learnt German, impressed? good. this blog is
    looking very beautiful, your doing a good job. the ideas definitely need to start coming together
    and then we will have 2 minutes of pure horrific horror. It should be amazing! xxx

  2. Well done for Warner Bros research and intro to your genre, Anika. Can you update your blog with research into the genre you have chosen, and your evaluation of the preliminary task?
